Benefits of Avocados for Health You Must Know

Avocado Fruit Speaking of fruit.

Avocados are a type of fruit that is much favored because of the combination of taste and nutrition both for our mouth and body. Avocados are also a type of fruit that can be processed into many types of food. To find out more, let's peel deeper into the benefits of avocados and the risks that might occur from the consumption of avocados.

What nutrients are there in the avocado?

A nutritionist named Charlotte Stirling-Reed says that avocados are a fruit full of nutrients.

"Avocados are a source of healthy fats, monounsaturated special fatty acids and smaller amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, known as fats that are healthy for the heart, because they help reduce blood cholesterol levels in the body," he said.

To dissect any related nutrients, a nutrition therapist Karen Poole explained some of the nutrients contained as follows:

1. Vitamins B6, B5, and B2 that support the synthesis of hormones, reduce the impact of stress, and create a good immune system. In addition, avocados contain biotin which is good for nail and hair growth.

2. Vitamin C, which is important for collagen production, the immune system which is also good for bones and teeth.

3. Copper element, helps wound healing process and supports the cardiovascular system.

4. Tyrosine, to help the formation of thyroid hormones.

5. Magnesium, for relaxation effects and is good for relieving muscle tension and curing fatigue.

6. Vitamin E, which contains powerful antioxidants, can stem the pressure of a modern lifestyle.

"If you add avocados to your food / drink, you will add energy and weight efficiently, then you also add good fiber and protein to your food. Avocados also make you feel full longer, "Stirling-Reed added.

The risk of allergic symptoms that may be caused by avocados

There are not many bad nutrients contained in avocados. Poole said that avocados have a high calorie content. In 100 grams of avocados you will also find 190 Kcal. However, Poole stated that this was not comparable to the good nutrients contained in avocados.

In addition, the Mayo Clinic noted, in some people it turns out eating avocados can pose a risk of latex allergy. Symptoms are nasal congestion, coughing, and edema. If you experience these symptoms after eating avocados, try to avoid momentarily consuming avocados.

Avocado benefits for health:

1. Heart health
The benefits of avocado for heart health have long been known. High levels of unsaturated fats in avocados can reduce blood cholesterol in your body. This automatically keeps you from the risk of illness / disturbance in your heart.

 2. Diabetes
A study from the Nutrition Journal published in 2013 said that avocados are associated with a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, which refers to an increased risk of stroke, arterial disease, and diabetes.

3. Regulate blood sugar
Reporting from Reader Digest, levels of unsaturated fats contained in avocados can help stop insulin resistance and control blood sugar levels.

4. Prevent birth defects in the fetus
The study by the California Avocado Commission found the benefits of avocados in the fetus in the womb. The researchers say that avocados are an injection of nutrients that is very suitable for mothers who are pregnant. Avocados contain a good amount of folic acid for pregnant women, which can prevent babies from birth defects such as spina bifida and neural tube defects.

5. Helps the digestive system
A study conducted by the Mayo Clinic said that avocados are very good for maintaining digestive health. Avocados can help you defecate regularly and regularly.

6. Good for skin
The benefits of avocados for beauty arise from the content of vitamins C and E, which has been proven to be good for skin health. Precisely, avocados can keep the skin moist.

Such is our brief review of the benefits of avocados for the health of our bodies. Hopefully what we share can be useful for you and don't forget to read other articles that are no less interesting in our blog.

nb: Posts on this blog are just information. for further information please consult your doctor. This information is obtained from various sources summarized.

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